Friday, August 28, 2009

End of an Era (8/5/09)

The light in this room must stay on
but I'm not sure how to keep it on.
The electric bill hasn't been paid in full, but it's not my fault.
You see, I have this roommate who agreed to help me with the bills
And roomie has been doing good so far with payments
But lately, roomie has been giving little by little
And it hasn't been enough to pay roomie's part of the bill
I try to make it work without roomie, but in the end
It's all to much to do by myself
I ask roomie,"Do you part please? Do it like you said you would."
But, my I feel my pleas are on deaf ears......silent and cold
I try to escape this room as often as possible, to ignore the problem
But I can't ignore it forever, and something needs to be done
I don't know where roomie is or how long she will be gone
Nor do I know how much longer I can be patient with this
Maybe roomie has an explanation as to why the lights are flickering
Maybe roomie can explain why we dont hang out as much as we used to
Maybe roomie can tell me why I dont feel as close anymore
Maybe roomie will convince me to keep sharing this room that I'm paying for
Or maybe roomie wont be able to change my frustration to understanding
All I know is that two people share this room that we inhabit
Both parties accepted full responsibility for what happens here
If one person tries to tackle the duties of what should be an equal partnership
Then soon this flickering light might turn off for good
And nothing that you say or do will turn it back on

Yet still, whether you decide to stay or depart
I'll always have my place here....

1 comment:

Skinnie Minnie said...

Good to see you are writing again!