You know what really gets me? You walk down the street and a girl catches your eye. She has an ok figure. Nothing to really complain about. You think to yourself, "I would holla at her." Suddenly, out of nowhere, she has to take her glasses off. You thought you saw a pretty face. Now that she isn't wearing her glasses, you have no idea what the hell you're looking at. The glasses aren't normal glasses that everyone wears. I'm talking about the glasses that cover up half the face. I mean the glasses that limit a person's peripheral vision when a person wears them. I'm talking about the glasses with thick frames. GOOD GOD!
I understand the fact that it is like a fashion statement to wear those types of frames. The whole "makes you look smarter" is something that everyone wants to do. We all want to look like NERDS. That is one of the newest looks today. I only have one question. Why is it that the frames make the females look cuter than they already are? What is it about them that makes dudes break their necks? I've been fooled by the illusion that the frames put in my mind, and I'm sure that many other people have been caught by the lie as well. I took a class where I thought this girl looked really good. She was wearing the aforementioned glasses. I saw her take them off during one class. I was shocked. She looked extremely different than before. I kept saying to myself, "Where the fuck has my taste gone?" Just this past summer, I was at the mall with one of my good friends. We saw a lot of good looking girls that day, but the majority of them had those thick framed glasses. I'm sure that if I ripped them of the faces, we wouldn't have paid those girls any mind at all.
This is just another ploy by certain companies to make females buy into looking better. Just like all the perfume and skin blemish ads you see on tv, this has got to be a subliminal way of getting the prodcut to the females. I will admit that I'm guilty of wearing the thick framed glasses from time to time just to check the look. However, I see a big difference in the way they are worn by males and females. While dudes buy the glasses with the thick frames, I have yet to see of hear of a girl thinking a guy was cute because of the frames of his glasses. It's madness that will continue for many years, or at least until the next big fashion statement comes along.